MCSC’s Mission & Vision
To be a networking platformfor social interaction among minority physicianstoenhance personal, educational and professional growth. The Society aims toguide and support its members, as they address the unique challenges faced byminority physicians and patients.
To advocate for the underserved and underrepresented communities and educate the public regarding important healthcare issues affecting the African American community.
To mitigatehealth inequities that impact the minority communities and be a strong and unifiedpolitical voice to influence policy decisions that affect all aspects of healthservices in the underserved communities, including access and quality.
To expand educational opportunities for underrepresented African Americans in the HealthCare Professions and increase minority representation in all aspects of healthcare, through the mentoring of minority, students, medical students, residents,and foreign graduates, looking to enter and navigate the system.
To create position statements on issues that impact minority physicians and their patientsandbe subject matter experts for the press on issues dealing with minority health, decision makers and other advocacy groups with congruent agendas.